Chiropractic Treatments

Our knowledgeable doctors take their time to find, diagnose and treat a wide variety of issues. Our evaluations and treatment programs are developed to alleviate pain, identify the problem creating your specific discomfort, crafting a customized treatment plan and assisting in preventing any recurrence.

Perhaps even more important to treatments at Back to Back Chiropractic are the overall heath benefits thought chiropractic. Adjustments are designed to boost the immune system, increase range of motion and to maximize the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.  Below are just some of the many issues that we treat in our office.

Back Pain

Whether you suffer from this condition due to genetics, age or from a work-related injury, we have the ability to help you with your discomfort. – Read More >>

Carpal Tunnel

Excessive pressure placed on the median nerve of the wrist. It may cause loss of feeling, immobility, numbness or tingling.- Read More >>

Degenerative Disc Disease

A sanctioned medical term used to describe the normal changes that occurs in spinal discs as the body ages.

Degenerative Joint Disease

Commonly known as Osteoarthritis, this is when wear and tear of joints becomes more prevalent the body as it ages.


Disorder causing general unease and constant pain.

Foot Pain

To include arch discrepancies and professional orthotic fitting.

Golfer’s Elbow

Also referred to as Tennis Elbow, is a pain on the outside of the upper arm, near the elbow.


Pain in the head, normally classified as a migraine, cluster headache or tension headache.


Normal wearing and age of the body’s joints, often causing mild to severe pain.

Piriformis Syndrome

A neuromuscular disorder occurring when a muscle in the buttocks compresses the sciatic nerve.


A set of conditions affecting one or more nerves preventing them from working properly.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

An autoimmune disease resulting in long-term inflammation of joints and surrounding tissue.


A symptom of other medical problems that cause pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the legs due to a damaged sciatic nerve.


Vertebra slippage resulting in severe pain.


Neck pain or discomfort that is caused by a sudden distortion of the neck.